Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School Remote Learning Policy
Lee Brigg Corovavirus Catch Up Premium Strategy
Parent Survey and Responses to Remote Learning Offer
Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School Risk Assessment (April 2022)
Waterton Outbreak Management Plan (September 2021)
Welcome to our home learning page!
During periods of enforced school closure, each week, on a Friday, class teachers will upload the following weeks learning overview to the website, (under their class name on the home learning tab), as well as to their TEAMs class page.
Each class from Reception to Year 2 will start every day with a live ‘check in’ on TEAMS. The class teacher will outline the day’s learning for the children. Children will then be set a Phonics, English and Maths task daily, as well as a wider curriculum lesson, (this could be Science, Music, Art etc). All work will be closely matched to work that would have been carried out in school, to ensure that all children are accessing the appropriate curriculum.
Tasks will be set through a balance of recorded and live lessons, as we appreciate that families may need to access learning at different points during the day, due to other commitments. A story session will also be uploaded daily. Class teachers will respond to any work received in an afternoon. Teachers will also make a phone call to each family weekly.
Please share your child’s work where possible. This can be through their TEAMs page the class email, or via Twitter (@Lee_Brigg).
Please email school with any feedback on the home learning that we provide and see our Remote Learning Plan for further details. Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School Remote Learning Policy
Please note the list of communication below is not exhaustive as we predominantly use Microsoft Teams and Parenthub to communicate messages to our parents / carers – if you need any help accessing or navigating Microsoft Teams or Parenthub please contact our School Office or on 07415 069904 (school hours only during enforced school closure periods).
Learning From Home Using Microsoft Teams – A Helpful Guide For Students
Learning From Home Using Microsoft Teams – A Helpful Guide To Viewing And Completing Assignments
Please access class home learning timetables through these tabs on our home learning page.
Tiger Cubs – Nursery
Tigers HT & LT – Reception
Leopard & Jaguar – Year 1
Jaguar & Panther – Year 2
If you require any additional support please contact school by telephone (01924 893829), email (leebriggadmin@watertonacademytrust.org) or on Twitter (@Lee_Brigg)
The Waterton Academy Trust website is updated regularly with further information for parents and carers.
We would ask wherever possible, pupils are encouraged to read every day and listen to lots of stories! There is a section dedicated to Reading on our General Resourcestab – why not take a look ?
We appreciate that for some pupils the adaptation to learning at home may be tricky; we would ask that you remain patient and try not to place additional stress on either yourself or your child(ren). Little and often is best!
In line with our esafety policy and guidance, we would always advise parental / carer support and supervision when accessing the internet.
Should you need to contact school, please use one of the following methods:
- Telephone – 01924 893829 (school hours only)
- Mobile Telephone – 07415 069904 (school hours only during enforced school closure periods)
- E-mail – leebriggadmin@watertonacademytrust.org
- Twitter – @Lee_Brigg
Updated support from the Department for Education (DfE) for Parents, Pupils and School Staff
Key Correspondence (Enforced School Closure January 2021 – March 2021)
Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School Remote Learning Policy
Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School Risk Assessment (January 2021)
4th January 2021 – Waterton Academy Trust communication relating to the opening of primary schools from 4th January 2021
4th January 2021 – School Closure Notice from From Trust CEO Mr Dickinson
5th January 2021 – Booking a key worker / vulnerable pupil school place from Wednesday 6th January 2021 – PDF Version
5th January 2021 – Booking a key worker / vulnerable pupil school place from Wednesday 6th January 2021 – Word Version (please enable editing)
5th January 2021 – School places for keyworker and vulnerable pupils
6th January 2021 – Accessing key worker / vulnerable pupil school places
7th January 2021 – Devices to Access Remote Learning
10th January 2021 – Guide to Accessing Microsoft Teams on Different Devices
11th January 2021 – Change to DfE Guidance – Critical Workers
21st January 2021 – Waterton Academy Trust communication relating to Lateral Flow Device testing of staff
21st January 2021 – Parent Survey and Responses to Remote Learning Offer
24th February 2021 – Waterton Academy Trust communication relating to the wider opening of schools from 8th March 2021
26th February 2021 – Lee Brigg communication relating to the wider opening of schools from 8th March 2021
5th March 2021 – Lee Brigg communication relating to the wider opening of schools from 8th March 2021
If you think your child may be eligible for benefit related free school meals and you have not registered please visit Wakefield Council Website for further details.
Mental Health and Well-Being
Some children and young people may be experiencing feelings of anxiety, stress or low mood as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Support for children and parents
Encourage your child to talk to you or their teacher if they are feeling anxious or stressed.
Online resources to help you support your child with mental health and wellbeing, include:
- MindEd– a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health
- Every Mind Matters– an online tool and email journey to support everyone in taking action to look after their mental health and wellbeing
- Bereavement UKand the Childhood Bereavement Network – information and resources to support bereaved pupils, schools and staff
- the DfE blog– includes mental health resources for children, parents, carers and school staff
Public Health England’s (PHE) advice and guidance for parents and professionals on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing includes actions you can take to support your child and emphasises the importance of taking 60 minutes of daily physical activity. Youth Sport Trust and Sport England have advice and support on helping children and young people stay physically active.
NHS mental health services remain open and have digital tools to connect with people and provide ongoing support. Please use your local children and young people’s mental health service when needed.
Support for children and young people
Get free, confidential support at any time by:
- texting SHOUT to 85258
- calling Childline on 0800 1111
- calling the Mix on 0808 808 4994
Find help online through:
- Young Minds– information on coronavirus (COVID-19) and mental health
- Think Ninja– a free app for 10 to 18 year olds to help build resilience and stay well
- Every Mind Matters– building resilience and supporting good mental health in young people aged 10 to 16
PHE has also launched new e-learning which can help parents and carers to support their children and young people in emergency or crisis situations.
Barnardo’s See, Hear, Respond service, provides support to children, young people and their families who are not currently seeing a social worker or other agency, and who are struggling to cope with the emotional impacts of COVID-19. Use the See, Hear, Respond self-referral webpage or Freephone 0800 151 7015.
Report any safeguarding concerns you have about any child. Contact the NSPCC helpline.