Key Stage One at Lee Brigg infant and Nursery School is made up of three classes.
Year 1 – Leopard Class
Year 1/2 – Jaguar Class
Year 2 – Panther Class
In Key Stage One, we build upon the good start that our children have made in Foundation Stage. We continue to put emphasis on the development of Communication and Language, Physical Development and PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development), as we firmly believe that these areas enable our children to be competent readers, writers and mathematicians by the time they leave us at the end of Year 2. We also believe that a focus on these prime areas ensure our children are ready for the next step in their education.
We are committed to providing our children with the knowledge and skills that they need across all subject areas. As such, we have developed a sequenced, progressive approach to the teaching of all subjects. Throughout all subjects, we weave our ‘Challenge and Educate’ strand, so that children are taught to challenge stereotypes and are educated that our differences should be respected and celebrated. Children have opportunities to learn and excel through both academic and non-academic learning experiences, as we strive to develop the ‘whole child.’
At Lee Brigg Infant and Nursery School we recognise the importance of our role in developing children’s character and well-being, alongside their academic achievements.
We continually review the needs of our children, our community, as well as current global issues, so that we can plan careful learning opportunities and experiences that will prepare our children with values for life, in order for them to become conscious, active citizens of the future.
Please click on their class page to find out more!
Leopard Class Year 1
Jaguar Class Year 1/2
Panther Class Year 2