Investors in Pupils
We are currently working towards our Investors in Pupils Award.
What is Investors in Pupils?
The Investors in Pupils award shows that we value our children and include them in decisions that are made about school e.g. through School Council. The children will be taught about the running of the school, including the budget and how it is used. Children learn about the different roles and responsibilities of everyone in the school community – governors, teachers, administrative and support staff.
The 5 areas of Investors in Pupils
- Learning – Children are aware of their next steps for learning and have targets to work towards.
- Induction – Children are kind and welcoming to visitors. Each class will have an induction booklet to welcome new children
- Behaviour – Children help to create class visions and targets and are rewarded for good behaviour.
- Attendance – Children know it is important to come to school every day and on time. Classes and individual children are rewarded for good attendance.
- Classroom Management – Children learn to look after the resources in school and help to keep their classroom tidy. Classes have monitors to ensure children learn about roles and responsibilities.
We have an Investors in Pupils ethos which means that we recognise the achievement of the whole school. We value all pupils and help them to improve their understanding of their role in their learning journey.
The main criteria relating to Investors in Pupils involves all of the following for each class:
- An individual target: This shows that we are all learners together. These targets can be personal or academic. The children have their own target and it helps them in one of five areas – Attendance, Behaviour, Classroom Management (keeping tidy, taking care of things, knowing the cost of things), Learning and Induction (looking after new people in the class)
- A welcome book: This will be developed by the children to welcome new people (pupils and adults) into their class.
- A Class promise: This is decided upon by all the class to help the class to work as a team but for each child to know how they contribute to that class to make it a happy, caring environment in which to learn.
- A Class target: This is reviewed and then another target is established to help the class work as a team on a chosen area, e.g. lining up sensibly, keeping the classroom tidy.
If you would like to know more about our Investors in Pupils Award, please contact Mrs Tutt.